Members - NCSD


The members of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NFFT)

NFFT’s members are appointed by the delegating organisations based on their own decision rules. The leaders of the relevant organisations are requested by NFFT’s president to appoint their delegates. Civil organisations – with the exception of green organisations which delegate prospective members at their annual national meetings – make their decisions in selection forums.  

NFFT’s members are required to attend the meetings of the Council and the relevant Working Committees. Members absent from NFFT’s meetings cannot be substituted but are allowed to submit their questions, comments and proposals concerning the agenda.

The work of the Council’s members is supported by the Secretariat.

The current Council as of February 2025. The number of members with a right a vote is 34. The Council has a quorum if a minimum of 18 members are present.

  1. factions of the parliamentary parties (1 person from each group),
  2. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (3 persons),
  3. economic chambers (2 persons),
  4. churches (2 persons),
  5. unions (2 persons),
  6. employers’ organisations (2 persons),
  7. associations of local governments (2 persons),
  8. the Federation of Technical and Natural Scientific Societies (1 person),
  9. Hungarian Rectors' Conference (1 person),
  10. civil organisations engaged in social issues and health care (2 persons),
  11. organisations of national and ethnic minorities (2 persons),
  12. civil organisations for environment and nature protection (2 persons),
  13. social strata and age group civil organisations (2 persons),
  14. educational and cultural civil organisations (2 persons)

Current members of the National Council for Sustainable Development:

Delegating body


National Assembly

 dr. László KÖVÉR, Speaker of Parliament, the Council’s chairman


 Csaba LANTOS, Minister of Energy, Co-Chairman of the Council, represented by: dr. Anikó RAISZ,  Secretary of State for Environment and Circular Economy

Representative groups of parliamentary parties

János BENCSIK, MP, FIDESZ Hungarian Civic Alliance

Dóra DÚRÓ, MP, Mi Hazánk Movement

dr. Zita GURMAI, MP, Hungarian Socialist Party

László HAJDU, Democratic Coalition

dr. Hajnalka JUHÁSZ, MP, Christian Democratic People’s Party

Rebeka Szabó, MP, Dialogue for Hungary

Máté URFI, Momentum Movement

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Péter HALMAI, academic, the Council’s co-chairman

Eörs SZATHMÁRY, academic

Chambers of Commerce

Katalin SÜLE, vice president, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

dr. László PARRAGH, chairman, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Eszter KARSAY, Calvinist priest

Zsolt KÜKEDI, delegate of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, member of the Naphimnusz Teremtésvédelmi Egyesület

Trade unions

Imre PALKOVICS, president, National Federation of Workers’ Councils
András FÖLDIÁK, chairman, Forum of Trades Union

Employer organisations

Attila BENCS, vice president, Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ)

dr. Zoltán Zs. SZŐKE, president, Hungarian National Federation of Consumer Co-operative Societies and Trade Associations (ÁFEOSZ)

Associations of local governments

Lajos KOVÁCS, chairman, Alliance of Climate-friendly Communities

Antonio DE BLASIO, president, Hungarian Speaking Association of Healthy Cities

(formerly MTESZ)

dr. Gábor VERESS, honorary professor

Hungarian Rectors' Conference

 Dr. Éva KRISZT Sándorné, co-chair, Hungarian Rectors’ Conference

National and ethnic minorities

Vera GIRICZ, spokesperson for the Ruthenian minority

Maria Ewa SLABA Rónayné, spokesperson for the Polish minority

Social and health civil organizations

András MOLNÁR, Hungarian Red Cross

 dr. Tamás RÁDAI, Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers

Environmental and conservation civil organizations

 dr. István FARKAS, vice president, National Society of Conservationists (MTVSZ) , the Council’s co-chairman
Katalin SIPOS, director, WWF

Social strata and age group civil organizations

dr. Jenő KUTASSY, National Association of Large Families (NOE)

Domokos Péter KOVÁCS, National Youth Council Association

Educational and cultural civil organizations

Zoltán MOLNÁR, Környezet- és Természetvédelmi Oktatóközpontok Országos Szövetsége

László NEMES, Magyar Információtudományi Alapítvány

Honorary chair of the National Council for Sustainable Development

Delegating body


National Council for Sustainable Development

 dr. Katalin SZILI

List of the permanent invitees of the National Council for Sustainable Development

Delegating body


The Ministry of Agriculture dr. András RÁCZ, Secretary of State

Deputy of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
responsible for Future Generations

Dr. Gyula BÁNDI, Deputy of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

Central Statistical Office

Dr. Áron KINCSES, Head of Department

The Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH)​​​

Irén MÁRTA, managing director

National Council for Environmental Protection

Dr. István CSEPREGI, Secretary General

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