ESDW in Hungary - NCSD
ESDW in Hungary

Explore the activities, events and projects that are registered to take place in Hungary. Follow the link to Hungary's external website.
Hungary has joined the European Sustainable Development Week in 2015, but the country has a long and proud tradition of celebration of its rich natural heritage and presentation of best practices in safeguarding the biodiversity and other resources for the future. These days, when the new Global Agenda 2030 is setting ambitious targets for the humankind, the participants of the ESDW 2016 will show, how can we manage the 17 global sustainable goals at local levels, and how can we recognise the best implementation measures based on our local knowledge, our values, and our daily practices. We also want to connect the ESDW events, actions not only to SDG’s but to the renewed Hungaraian National Sustainable Development Framework Strategy, too. The national focal point is in Hungary the NFFT, the National Council for Sustainable Development.